Publication details

Měření nanodrsnosti pomocí optických metod a mikroskopie atomové síly

Title in English Measurement of nanoroughness using optical methods and atomic force microscopy


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kvalita a GPS 2005
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords Drsnost; AFM; Elipsometrie; Odrazivost
Description In this contribution a review of statistical quantities characterizing randomly rough surfaces that are important from the point of view of practice is presented. Furthermore, methods of measuring these quantities by means of atomic force microscopy and optical method based on combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry are described. These methods are illustrated through the results achieved for randomly rough surfaces of silicon single crystal and rough upper boundaries of thin films of TiO2. The results obtained for both the rough surfaces using the combined optical method and atomic force microscopy are mutually compared. A discussion of errors influencing the values of the statistical quantities determined by atomic force microscopy is also carried out. In this contribution we will moreover show that by means of both the mentioned experimental techniques one can even perform a quantitative analysis of the randomly rough surfaces exhibiting nanometric character, i.e. the surfaces whose height irregularities are described by the standard deviations smaller than 10 nm. Simultaneously, we will also present that in the case of the nanometric surfaces it is necessary to expect evident differences in values of their statistical quantities determined using atomic force microscopy on the one hand and combined optical method on the other hand.
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