Publication details

Hlavní doktríny ovládající rozhodčí řízení

Title in English The important docrines controling the arbitration


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva - 2009 - Days of Law
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords arbitration; international arbitration; jurisdictional theory; contract theory;
Description The area of the arbitration, respectively the international arbitration, is controlled through the following doctrines - contractual, jurisdictional and mixed. These concepts influenced the legislation and the case law significantly during the 20th century. The paper focuses on the explanation of the content and impact of the above mentioned doctrines; the position from the point of view of the Czech literature and decision making praktice the defining the issues; the answer is directly or indirectly dependent on a share doctrine.

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