Publication details

Monopoly Supply Chain Management via Rubinstein Bargaining


KVASNIČKA Michal STANĚK Rostislav KRČÁL Ondřej

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 29th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords vertical integration; double markup; Rubinstein bargaining; industrial organization; competition policy
Description This paper argues that the Spengler’s (JPE, 1950) double-markup story does not capture the strategic situation faced by a monopoly supply chain. We show that 1) the Spengler’s double-markup model is equivalent to an extensive game in which the upstream monopoly has all power to set the intermediate price, and the downstream monopsony has no bargaining power. This assumption seems unrealistic. 2) We model this situation using the Rubinstein bargaining. The equilibrium of our model does not yield a double markup. Hence, the joint output, the consumers price, and the total profit is as high as those of a vertically integrated firm. Moreover, the profit is split roughly equally between the two firms. 3) Our model has different implications for the competition policy.

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