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Laboratorní zařízení pro in-line plazmovou úpravu polypropylenových vláken přidávaných do betonu

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Title in English Laboratory equipment for in-line plasma treatment of polypropylene fibers added to concrete


Year of publication 2012
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Prototype was developed for implementation of the production. Device use barrier discharges for plasma treatment of PP fibers, which are added to concrete. As the plasma generator can use any type of barrier discharges in our case, was used surface barrier discharge or DCSBD. The device allows continuous adjustment of the shutter from 1s to 60s, when setting multiple passage PP fiber electrode can be achieved up to 180 s exposure. Modified material is retracted to the output coil and it is stored at a constant speed by thread next thread. For defined by the tension of the material during deposition of the input coil hampered by brake with continuous control. For a defined pressure to the electrode material can be used or the platen roller, which may be made of different materials. The device allows the application of plasma modification only in laboratory air. At present, the exhaustion performed using suction funnel placed over the device.
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