Publication details

Technika pro určení sorpčních vlastností polypropylenových vláken přidávaných do betonu využívající Washburnovu metodu

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Title in English Technique for determining sorption properties of polypropylene fibers added to concrete using Washburnovu method.


Year of publication 2012
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Implemented a prototype was developed for implementation of the production, by means of modification of commercially available analytical balances, brought significant cost savings compared with buying commercial equipment specified on the measurement of surface energy Washburn method. The method is based on measuring the gradient of liquid into the pores of the sample positioned vertically with the forces of capillary pressure.The realized prototype show that it is possible to implement weighing liquid to climb vertical tubes filled with polypropylene fiber or bundle of fibers that are stretched vertically defined force.Digital scales Denver Analytical Instruments SI 234A, we have included a modified 01S with YDK for determining density materials. Modification consisted of installing the holder to a vertical glass tube, which was in test fibrous material or sample holder that allows defined tension PP material. Measurement starts by dipping the end of a vertical glass tube into the test fluid. This process, critical to the final quality of the measurements, we realized an increase in reservoir levels with test fluid by adding an appropriate amount of liquid electronic micropipette.
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