Publication details

O subsidiární úloze trestní represe a trestním právu jako prostředku "ultima ratio" nejen v novém českém trestním zákoníku

Title in English Subsidiary Role of Criminal Repression and Criminal Law as a Means of "ultima ratio" not only within Czech criminal code

FENYK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Na křižovatkách práva - Pocta Janu Musilovi k 70. narozeninám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords subsidiary role of criminal repression; principle of ultima ratio; social dangerousness; social harmfullness
Description New Criminal Code cancelled so called substantial conception of crime based on social dangerousness and replaced it seemingly by social harmfullness. However, legislator did not include it to elements of crime and it caused substantial obstacles. The article is devoted to ways, how overcome them.

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