Guest lecture: Building an Efficient Product Strategy
25. dubna 2023
14:00 – 15:40 - P101, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta MU, Lipová 41a, Brno
How to drive profitable growth? How to drive product portfolio? How to choose which product to kill and what new products to launch? How do you find new products and markets where to play and how to execute? What is product management about in practical world? How to be successful in corporate world and how do you build up your career in international environment?
Answers to these and many other questions you may hear from our guest Mr. David Mackerle who has lived and worked in multiple regions, countries, functions in technology environment. He is currently Senior Sales Leader responsible for EMEA sales within TE Connectivity for Appliances Business Unit.
The lecture is held within the course International Marketing 1.
- Pořadatel
Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementu (Ekonomicko-správní fakulta)
- Odpovědnost
Ing. Renata Čuhlová, Ph.D., BA (Hons)
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