Mgr. Ekaterina Volevach
odborná pracovnice ve výzkumu – Kancelář ředitele centra excelence CREATIC
Počet publikací: 8
Impacts of cultural factors and mode of administration on item nonresponse for political questions in the European context
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, rok: 2024, ročník: 27, vydání: 4, DOI
The use of intervention mapping to guide the development of a school-based intervention to improve emergency medical services activation for stroke
BMC Public Health, rok: 2024, DOI
Design of a school-based stroke preparedness intervention: challenges in acute diseases recognition
Rok: 2023, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Health-related social media advertising is affected by Message Appeals
Rok: 2023, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
The state of community health practice in the Czech Republic: Saste Roma project
Rok: 2023, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Health Status and Self-Perception of Health in Czech Roma Community
Rok: 2022, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Educational Program Improved Senior Preparedness to Call 911 as a Response to Stroke
JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, rok: 2021, ročník: 30, vydání: 11, DOI
What the Aftermath of the Global Pandemic Will Mean for Neurologists
Neurology International, rok: 2021, ročník: 2021, vydání: 13, DOI