Masarykova univerzita
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Počet publikací: 2602
Kapitoly v knihách
Chapter 10: Czech Republic (Computation of Taxable Business Profits)
Computation of Taxable Business Profits, vydání: Vyd. 1, rok: 2024, počet stran: 21 s.
Charms and Whispers. Musical Comedy and Vocal Performance in Oldřich Nový's Star Image.
The Routledge Companion to Global Film Music in the Early Sound Era, rok: 2024, počet stran: 11 s.
Chemometrics and Sensor Arrays
Organic and Inorganic Materials Based Sensors (3 volumes), rok: 2024, počet stran: 35 s.
Child Vulnerability in the Digital World
Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity : Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, rok: 2024, počet stran: 22 s.
Igor Tomeš (*1931 – † 2018)
Encyklopedie českých právních dějin. XXV. svazek, Biografie právníků S-Ž, rok: 2024, počet stran: 3 s.
Il dissenso di Hus dalla Chiesa papale
LA CHIESA DI SANTA MARIA DELLA VITTORIA A ROMA. UNA TESTIMONIANZA FONDAMENTALE DELLA STORIA EUROPEA, vol 1 (Il Regno di Boemia al centro della Respublica Christiana Le fonti storiche di una vicenda secolare), vydání: Vyd. 1., rok: 2024, počet stran: 9 s.
Implication in Sharply Paraorthomodular and Relatively Paraorthomodular Posets
Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence, rok: 2024, počet stran: 28 s.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law, rok: 2024
Inheritability of Gaming Accounts of Massive Multiplayer Online Games (Central-European Perspective)
Estate, Succession and Autonomy: New Assets and New Trends, rok: 2024, počet stran: 24 s.
Innovation and Networks in the Spanish Novel of the 1960s: Juan Goytisolo
Centers and Peripheries in Romance Language Literatures in the Americas and Africa, rok: 2024, počet stran: 20 s.