Informace o publikaci

The Role of Neuroimaging and Genetics in Comatose Pediatric Patients



Rok publikování 2011
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis Coma is defined as a profound or deep state of unconsciousness. Comatose patient cannot voluntarily react with the external environment and mostly possess specificaly limited reflex reactivity to external stimuli depending on coma severity. Different levels of coma severity can be determined by neurological examitation based on brainstem reflexes and level of unresponsiveness to external stimuli. Coma severity and further prognosis depend upon the nature and extent of brain dysfunction, determined primarily by causative etiologic factors. Traumatic brain injuries are one of the most common causes of coma. Coma is commonly a result of non-traumatic intracerebral bleeding, ischaemic stroke or inflammatory insult with or without brain swelling. Generally comas resulting from traumatic brain injuries tend to have a slightly better recovery rate compared to comas related to illness. However comatose patient may never regain consciousness or be permanently seriously disabled.

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