Počet publikací: 309
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy effective substrates based on silver particle layers: Analytical applications, spectral reproducibility, benefits, and future developments
Optical Materials, rok: 2025, ročník: 159, vydání: February 2025, DOI
“That’s how the trust began” : Forming trusting friendships from adolescence to adulthood
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, rok: 2025, ročník: 42, vydání: 1, DOI
The 2020 Belarusian Presidential Campaign : Crisis Performance as a Pillar of Lukashenka’s Communication Strategy
Journal of Belarusian Studies, rok: 2025, DOI
The Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier as a Potential Entry Site for the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Journal of Medical Virology, rok: 2025, ročník: 97, vydání: 1, DOI
The COVID-19 pandemic and young people's civic engagement : A scoping review
Journal of Research on Adolescence, rok: 2025, ročník: 35, vydání: 1, DOI
The discursive representation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Austrian news coverage: 2010–2015–2020
Journal of Language and Politics, rok: 2025, DOI
The Framing of the Conflict in Ukraine by Three Slovak Far-Right Parties
Europe-Asia Studies, rok: 2025, DOI
The Greta generation: how the climate protests unite Europe’s youth
Environment, rok: 2025
The hidden costs of imposing minimum contributions to a global public good
ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, rok: 2025, ročník: 227, vydání: January, DOI
The hydrochemistry and geothermometry of thermal waters from a deep Jurassic aquifer in Lower Austria–South Moravia region
GEOTHERMICS, rok: 2025, ročník: 125, vydání: January 2025, DOI