Research at Masaryk University

Research Office Newsletter 6/2021
24 Sep 2021, 13:32


Internal Grant Calls

Grant Agency of Masaryk University (GAMU) - competitions are running within the categories CAREER RESTART, INTERDISCIPLINARY, MASH, MASH JUNIOR and HORIZONS. All information is available on the GAMU website.

Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU) - a university-wide competition is running to support student grants in the areas of research and development for Ph.D. students. Documentation for the announcement of the competition is available here.

Specific university research - both programs were announced (Support for student projects of specific research, Support for specific research projects focused on the organization of student scientific conferences). The call, including indicative limits for individual faculties, is published on the MU Portal.

6th call for solution of Subprojects Proof of Concept - CTT MU announces a call for support of increasing the application potential of research and development results. More info here.

Grants Week 2021

The fifth year of the Grants Week event, traditionally focused on international research cooperation, will take place online on 12-15. 10. 2021.

The first day offers a unique opportunity to hear the experience of all 6 Czech coordinators of research projects supported under the H2020 program from universities and institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and get information and tips for participating in Horizon Europe (HE). The afternoon block will present the issue of Open Science in the HE program.

The next few days will be focused on the Horizon Europe program - on Wednesday, renowned expert Sean McCarthy will tell us how to write a competitive proposal for the program's challenges, and on Thursday we will focus on prestigious individual grants - ERC and MSCA. Friday's block focuses on the possibilities of national financing of international cooperation - the currently announced program cooperation of the GA CR with the American National Science Foundation (NSF) and the cofund challenges of the TA CR.

GW website

GAMU Evaluator - expression of interest

If you are interested in participating in the selection of the best projects in the competitions of the Grant Agency of Masaryk University, you have the opportunity to register in the internal database and become a project evaluator.

Evaluation of large research infrastructures

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports completed the evaluation of large research infrastructures, which was launched in autumn 2020. It involved 57 infrastructures (45 existing and 12 new). Masaryk University achieved an above-average evaluation, when out of 17 large research infrastructures (of which 5 coordinated by the university), in which MU is involved, 14 received the best mark (5 = Excellent) and the remaining 3 the second best mark (4 = High).

ESFRI Roadmap Update

ESFRI, the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures, has published an updated version of its roadmap (ESFRI Roadmap 2021 Update), which contains 11 new projects, including 2 projects involving Masaryk University:

The ESFRI Stakeholder Forum is being set up, a new ESFRI platform for communicating with a wide range of research infrastructure stakeholders. Take the opportunity and register.

Calls for Proposals

Open Calls


  • MSCA: Open calls of Postdoctoral Fellowship and Doctoral Networks, deadline October 12, 2021
  • Other currently open calls can be found on the Funding & Tender Opportunities portal or on the website of the TC CAS Horizon Europe.


  • International LA calls - open with the USA, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Poland, deadline according to the rules of individual foreign agencies.


Oncoming Calls

TA CR – 2021 Calls Schedule here


  • International LA Call with Slovenia (Autumn 2021).


  • A new public tender focused on addressing the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on health care in the Czech Republic (October 2021).


Events and Training

Planned Research Office Events

An overview of all current events of the Grant Office can be found, including the possibility of registration, on the IMPROVE project website.

Interesting Links and Information

An overview of submitted proposals and the success of MU in grant competitions

We regularly update the list of submitted proposals.


More information on the IMPROVE website in the news section.


The Newsletter is published by the Masaryk University Research Office. Should you wish to subscribe to our Newsletter, please register here. All the issues of our Newsletter are available in the archive. Should you wish to publish any information in the Newsletter or have any comments, please contact Eva Nagyová.

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Masaryk University
