Project information
Physics of stars, stellar systems and universe

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2003 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
astrophysics; stars; stellar systems; hydrodynamics; Galaxy; galaxies; cosmology; branes

The goal of the present proposal is to support the postgraduate study in the mutually linked fields of astrophysics and theoretical physics. The project joins the main Czech institutions dealing with the research and teaching of astrophysics by both thet heoretical and observational means for an interdisciplinary cooperation. The common link of problems solved by the constituted team is the classic as well as the relativistic astrophysics of stars (including the Sun), circumstellar and interstellarmatter , galaxies, active galactic nuclei, compact objects and also the general problems of cosmology and theory of relativity. In order to improve the training of PhD-students for their own research work, the leadership of the team in cooperation ofother Czech and foreign scientists will organize courses and seminars. The project should also enable the students to stay abroad and to participate in foreign summer schools facilitating their involvement in international projects.

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