Publication details

Prvorepublikové kořeny některých opatření z poválečného období (1945 – 1948)

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Title in English Some Post-war Measures Rooted in the Period of the First Czechoslovak Republic

VOJÁČEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description The paper points to the fact that a lot of socially conscious measures taken after 1945 which are (reasonably, to a large extent) being attributed to the Communists and their attitude to law are rooted in the period of First Czechoslovak Republic, especially in its very beginning. And this is not only the case of the land reform, which is generally known. Soon after the new republic was constituted, many other measures were prepared and taken in the name of “socialization“ – the term both widely accepted and broadly interpreted. The issues of expropriation (nationalization), social insurance, Labour Code and work allocation were discussed. According to the late 1930s outline of Civil Code, the provisions on family-law matters should have been taken out, and obligatory civil form of marriage ceremony was considered even sooner.
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