Publication details

Vzdělávací aktivity pro děti do tří let

Title in English Educational activities for children before age of three


Year of publication 2012
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Educational activities for children before age of three can be included in preprimary pedagogy. Definition of Enrydice (2010) offered a place for this new phenomenon. We speak about model for education and care with main aim of physical and psychical and cognitive and social development. Research targets the quality of educational activities for children before age of three, offered to parents and their children. Methodological design of research is qualitative. Facts are collected by videostudy of different activities. Current research includes one lesson of Baby signs activity with 2 parents, 1 teacher and 4 babies. The videostudy was analyzed from point of interaction. Findings about communication between parents and children say that parent is in contact with his child for whole lasting activity, parent is connection and conveyor of games and main subject for the child. Teacher determines the main theme and concept of communication and games. Children are not initiators. They absorb adults doing. Video facts hide more findings, that should be analyzed from view of background and child s will.

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