Publication details

Prakticky odborné texty a jejich jazyk v kontextu střední češtiny

Title in English Practically orientated scholarly texts and their language in the context of Middle Czech


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Čeština v pohledu synchronním a diachronním : stoleté kořeny Ústavu pro jazyk český
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech; 16th century; 17th century; 18th century; practical scholarly style; agricultural calendars
Description The author appeals to the community of scholars to conduct a systematic research of 16th-18th ct. practically orientated scholarly texts. The focus is on the fact that this kind of materials up to now left aside, such as agricultural and medical handbooks, agricultural calendars etc., represent a valuable source of information about language of the particular period. Especially with regard to Baroque Czech this is a very important source of information, because as a kind of materials widely spread among language users they had a significant impact upon the formation of Czech language awareness. Three most significant sound changes, namely ú- ou-, ý ej, é í and prothetic v preceding o, are observed on three calendars published in 16th-18th ct. Results of these observations prove that as far as their phonetic and phonological level is concerned, practically orientated scholarly texts are close to the style of baroque homiletics.
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