Publication details

Průzkum zaměstnanosti v Jihomoravském kraji k 31. 12. 2012

Title in English Employment Survey in South Moravian Region to 31. 12. 2012


Year of publication 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The study 'Employment Survey in South Moravian Region to 31. 12. 2012' provides an analysis of the state of the labor market in the South Moravian Region at the end of 2012. It is based primarily on the results of the survey, which was realized during the first quarter of 2013 by Labour Office of the Czech Republic, regional office in Brno in cooperation with Department of Regional Development of South Moravian Regional Authority. The questionnaire survey was carried out in this range for the eleventh time (the first time in mid-2003, after the end of the years 2003-2011). The main objective of the survey was to analyze in detail the structure and evolution of employment in the South Moravian Region in 2012 according to standard indicators and compare it with the data for the whole Czech Republic. Furthermore, to evaluate the prediction number of employees at the end of 2011 and the assessment of the expected movement in the labor market in the South Moravian Region in 2013 and finally to characterize the demands of employers in the South Moravian Region for graduates, and then to analyze the situation and the expected development of the number of agency workers and to examine the hypothesis whether domiciles of enterprises are increasingly moving away from places of plants.

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