Publication details

Patriots or Nationalists? The Ideology and Support of the Slovak National Party


SPÁČ Peter VODA Petr

Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The paper attempts to analyze the case of the Slovak National Party (SNS) in respect to its ideology and electoral results in the country’s primary elections which are elections to the Slovak parliament. We identify the main features of the party’s ideology and its development. The paper covers the time period from the early 90s until presence. The reason for choosing SNS is quite straightforward as it is the only radical right party in Slovakia which succeeded in gaining and keeping relevancy and also repeatedly holding the executive power. When dealing with electoral results we find the patterns of electoral support of SNS and its changes over time. Based on the available data we also identify the characteristics of the voters of SNS and consequently the reason for the described changes.

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