Publication details

Způsobilost regionů pro čerpání prostředků v rámci kohezní politiky 2014+

Title in English Eligibility of regions for drawing resources in the framework of the Cohesion policy 2014+

ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description Eligibility of regions for drawing resources in the framework of the Cohesion policy depends on their economic level. The economic level influences the category to which the region is categorized. In the present programming period the Cohesion policy is aimed at three objectives (Convergence, Regional competitiveness and employment, European territorial cooperation), but in the next programming period the first two objectives will be merged and only two objectives will be distinguished: Investment in growth and jobs and European territorial cooperation. Another related change is the fact that in the framework of the first objective three categories of regions will be defined and particular regions will be categorized into them in accordance with their GDP. The important limit will be not only 75 % of average GDP in the EU, but also 90 %. The chapter explores how proposed changes influence the eligibility of particular regions.
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