Publication details

"Historische Beschreibungen" von Maulbertschs Fresken in Dyje, Louka und Strahov: einige Bemerkungen zur Beziehung zwischen Text und Bild

Title in English "Historische Beschreibungen" of Maulbertsch Frescos at Dyje, Louka and Strahov: few Remarks on Relation between Text and Image


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper was focused on historical Descriptions of Franz Anton Maulbertsch Frescos in the Pilgrimage Church at Dyje (Mühlfraun), in refectory and library hall of the former Premonstratensian Monastery at Louka u Znojma (Klosterbruck bei Znaim) and in the library hall in the Premonstratensian Monastery in Prague-Strahov and approached following questions: function of historical descriptions, the kind of interpretation of described frescos and relation of these descriptions to ideas of the enlightenment.

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