Publication details

Konstruktionen mit formalem Objekt im Deutschen und ihre Entsprechungen im Tschechischen

Title in English Constructions with the formal Object in German and their Counterparts in Czech


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Korpus - gramatika - axiologie :journal for corpus research and evaluation of language
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords contrastive linguistics; parallel corpus; syntactic structures; pronoun es; formal object; idioms; reference; equivalents
Description This article deals with German constructions with es in the function of formal object, their structures and equivalents in Czech. It tries to relate German structures with formal object to their Czech equivalents by using the referential properties of the formal object occurring in the German structure. The research is based on parallel language data extracted from the Czech-German Corpora InterCorp and ČNPK.

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