Publication details

Strategie učení se jazyku u úspěšných žáků v cizím jazyce: přehledová studie

Title in English Foreign Language Learning Strategies at Good Language Learners: A Review Study


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The research review is devoted to current research discovering the relationship between the use of foreign language learning strategies and achievement. The aim of the original research is to analyze the current state of knowledge of good language learners and the relationship to the use of foreign language learning strategies over the last 13 years on the basis of journal and book studies and dissertation research and to find out available space for other research surveys. Concerning the analysed research methodology, the most frequent instrument to observe learning strategies is the classification of learning strategies according to their functions (Oxford, 1990) and her inventory SILL. Achievement is here most frequently defined on the basis of language tests scores, which are predominantly standardised. The largest number of research respondents is university students. The review study finds out that the most frequent mentioned strategies of good language learners are metacognitive, cognitive and social strategies. To enable new perspectives, it is advisable to focus current research on qualitative approach, younger and less proficient learners.
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