Publication details

Akvizice lodí třídy Mistral Ruskou federací

Title in English Why Russia Wants to Buy Mistral Class Warships


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vojenské Rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Military subjects
Keywords Russian armed forces; navy; purchase of military technologies from the French Republic; Navy’s Mistral-class vessels; acquisition; amphibious assault ships
Description The Russian armed forces are influenced by a new concept of possible armed conflict. At present, Russian forces are not preparing themselves to one massive conflict, as in the period of bi-polar world, but the main stress is put on power- projection, into the spheres of Russian interests, i. e. into post-soviet republics. The Russian armed forces ought to be able partake in three regional conflicts simultaneously. That’s why organizational and technological changes are presently in motion. The acquisition of French first Mistral-class vessels is an organic part of this process. The theme is particularly topical in the context of the current Ukrainian crisis.
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