Publication details

Transformations of spatial relationships within elementary education provision under educational policy


TRNKOVÁ Kateřina KUČERA Zdeněk

Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper aims at impacts of educational policy conceptions on rural areas in long-term perspective. The special emphasis will be put on the analysis of changes in spatial elementary schools pattern, forms and extent of catchment areas and transformation of main commuting directions to schools in the context of education policy. There will be used methods of cartographic visualisation with the utilization of geoinformatics, as well as standard methods of quantitative and qualitative research design. Using data from in-depth interviews and questionnaires addressed to representatives of headteachers and founders of small elementary schools under threat of closure in disadvantaged areas we will demonstrate the examples of problems concerning rural elementary schools provision.

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