Publication details

Normování práce v souvislosti s institutem odměňování

Title in English Standardization of work in connection with remuneration


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2014
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Dependent work; protective function; organizational function; dispositional power; employee; employer; standardization of employee’s work; labour standard; wages.
Description This article deals with standardization of employee’s work and its engaging in the dispositional powers of the employer. Marginally, it also covers the functions of labour law in relation to the weak party protection. The article shows why the also the employer is to be understood as the weaker party and not only the employee. It also explains the term of standardization of work and the process thereof. The article also describes the connection between standardization of work and wages, especially task wage.
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