Publication details

(Ne)kvalifikovanost učitelů – létající učitelé

Title in English (No)qualification of Teachers – Flying Teachers


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXIV. Mezinárodní konference o výuce chemie DIDAKTIKA CHEMIE A JEJÍ KONTEXTY. Sborník příspěvků z konference 20.–21. 5. 2015.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords education; qualification; teacher; natural and technical sciences
Attached files
Description (No) qualification of teachers is not always understood in the proper sense of the word. They confused the concepts of teaching competence and approbation. The research part bearing in mind the number of qualified teachers of chemistry and/or physics and the number of yearly graduated students of these subjects verified the lack of those teachers. One solution is the creation an offer of teacher training in the branch structure which corresponds to the needs of the regions; in fields with the greatest number of unqualified teachers in the region to offer a study program in combined form; to encourage further studies in the field of lifelong learning for teachers in related branch. Or use the possibility of flying teachers. There is also a CD version of this book of proceedings, ISBN 978-80-210-7954-0.

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