Publication details

Binocular Correction in Patients with Central Retinal Impairment


SKRBEK Matěj SYNEK Svatopluk

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords Binocular vision; Binocular summation; Binocular refraction; Macular diseases; Prismatic correction; Visual acuity
Description Many of visual functions are usually impaired by serious retinal diseases. With different speed of progression, the point of sharpest vision is being damaged and visual acuity as well as contrast sensitivity and fixation stability declines. Instead of the damaged fovea the new preferred retinal points are arising and taking over its function as the referential position for the whole motoric system. The development of such new points of fixation can evoke condition which is similar to fixation disparity. Of course, binocular vision (e. g. binocular summation of visual acuity) is markedly deteriorated too, together with the diminished central fusion due to inequality of the both, differently affected retinal pictures. It’s obvious that former binocular vision disturbances (e.g. latent strabismus) could now become decompensated. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of the binocular prismatic correction in patients with central retinal impairment that allows the restoration of the best possible correspondence of the preserved retinal areas. The results of our study predicate that the non-prismatic correction is less effective than the prismatic binocular correction in patients with central retinal impairment considering the visual acuity gain. Nevertheless, it should not be considered as a rule. Instead of global management of the eyesight correction of patients with macular diseases with either prismatic or non-prismatic glasses, the approach should be individualized. Unambiguously, it would be a mistake to reject the possibility to assess the correction binocularly and apply it particularly in patients with central retinal impairment.

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