Publication details

Gnomic sayings in Meänkieli historical novels by Bengt Pohjanen


KOVÁŘ Michal

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ICP 15 Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords aphorism; gnomic saying; proverb; novel; Bengt Pohjanen
Description Gnomic statements in normative texts like Bible, national epics, codices etc. serve partly as a source for proverbs. However, in particular texts they may have different functions, relevant also only to the text itself, its composition and cohesion, stressing a moralia or casting doubt on a statement etc. The function of proverbs and gnomes in Faravidin maa is not only explaining and stressing the plot and theme of the book, but perhaps also creating new specific Meänkieli phraseology.
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