Publication details

«Spasem nashih detej»: k probleme diskursa kampanij v pol'zu reformy obshhestvennogo vospitanija detej s invalidnost'ju v Rossii

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Title in English “Rescue our children?”: the discourses of campaigns in favor to reform residential care for disabled children in Russia

SHMIDT Victoria

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source INTER: INTERaction. INTERview. INTERpretation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Web Ćlánek v .pdf
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords residential care; moral campaigns; civic journalism; discourse of childhood; disability
Description This text highlights the role of public debates in social media and civic journalism in the current reform of residential care for the children with disability. The debates often transformed into moral campaigns are explored in the context of mutually contesting discourses which either revise the approaches to disability or lead to tokenism because of reproducing the ideas inherent to Soviet special education. The article explores the compatibility of the Soviet defectological discourse and the ideological platform one of the earliest moral campaigns (2008-2009). The last part discusses the options for civic journalism in order to achieve the sustainable reproduction of relevant ideas within the projects towards providing the rights of children with disabilities. In contrast to moral campaigns with their inevitable symbolic participation the civic journalism practices co-participation in the life of children or those who experienced public care. By revising their falls in assisting to young people from institutions and debating various opinions about such assistance, those who practice civic journalism deconstruct the interactions between public and the entrepreneurs of moral campaigns.
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