Publication details

Dodatek k životopisu služebního psa Breka

Title in English A supplement to the service dog Brek's life story


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník Archivu bezpečnostních složek
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords State Security Service; StB; border guard service; 1950's; German shepherd Brek; dog protector; communist regime
Description The German shepherd Brek was one of the symbol of using dogs by the Border Guard Service in 1950s. The life of the well-know service dog has been covered by many researches, during the 1950s, he was know among the border guards as the model of "dog protectors of the state borders ". His exceptional ability contributed to the arrest of more then sixty so-called intruders of the state borders. The activity was conducted in cooperation with the State Security Service (StB) and assessed as positive by the communist regime. In 1953, Brek together with his handler Jaroslav Kuchař were awarded a state decoration by President of the Republic Antonín Zápotocký, and two years later, in 1955, together with his second handler Michal Jurík, they were awarded with the medal for bravery. His story was even fictionalized, as a valiant deed in Zdeněk Šaroch book Výstřely z hranice (Shoots form the Border), chapter Přítel Brek (Friend Brek). Brek excelled in his duty on the border, so after his death he became an exhibit in the Border Guard Service Museum in Prague's Karlov.
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