Publication details

Den usynlige broen. Milada Blekastad 1917-2003

Title in English The Invisible Bridge. Milada Blekastad 1917-2003


Year of publication 2017
Type Exposition
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of the travelling exhibiton The Invisible Bridge. Milada Blekastad 1917-2003 is to remind Czech and Norwegian public of the outstanding personality of Milada Blekastad, her reception of Czech literature in Norway, her longstanding translation and publishing activity and her role of Czech disent supporter during the fourty years of totalitarian regime. The exhibition also presents scientific work of M.Blekestad, here research about J.A.Komenský and her collaboration with important personalities of European science (such as Jan Patočka, Julie Nováková, Antonín Škarka, Klaus Schaller, Dmytro Czyczevski). Other aspects of her cultucal als social activies are also considered.
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