Publication details

Intercultural competence of students of English measured via Intercultural Development Inventory®, version 3



Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The poster presents research conducted at the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno in 2011 – 2016. The aims of the research were to examine the departmental students' intercultural competence (IC) at the beginning of their studies (autumn 2011), compare it with their level of IC at the end of their studies (autumn 2016) and investigate the influences that played a role in their IC development. Intercultural Development Inventory®, version 3 was used for the purposes of the research. The results indicate that students tend to overestimate their level of IC, and find themselves in ethnocentric stages of intercultural development both at the beginning and at the end of their university studies.

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