Publication details

Působnost práva na internetu

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Title in English Law and the Internet


Year of publication 2018
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

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Description This chapter deals with the issue of private law relationships the international (cross-border) element and the internet, i.e. the area of primarily the private international law. The objectives of the chapter are reflected in its structure. In the second subchapter, we define the characteristics of the Internet and how it affects private international law. This legal discipline is closely related to the principle of territoriality, which we are dealing with in the third subchapter. These theoretical considerations and general starting points are concretized in the fourth subsection by interpreting the influence of the Internet on contractual and non-contractual obligations with the international element, influence on the rules governing applicable law and international jurisdiction of the courts. In the fifth, penultimate chapter, we focus on possible future developments in the field of geolocation and law, protection and access to data, the right to be forgotten and the scope of law in other, from the point of view of the Internet, interesting, legal areas.
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