Publication details

Morphometric analysis of jugular foramen in Czech population: preliminary report



Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Introduction The jugular foramen varies in shape and size. The numerous nerves and venous channels that pass through it further forms its anatomy. Purpose The aim was to assess the size, shape and bridging patterns of jugular foramen of Czech adult human skulls. Material and methods The study was carried out on 132 modern intact skulls. The jugular foramens observed macroscopically both extra- and endo-cranial and maximum width and length measured. Differences in the sides, dimensions, presence of jugular fossa and septum or any bridging were analysed. Results and conclusions More than 50% of jugular foramens were of triangular shape; in about 35% of cases, we found an oval type, and in about 8%, there was bony bridging division at different level. The jugular foramen was larger on the right side in 48% skulls, on the left side in 33%, and in 19%, it was equal on both sides. The maximum length of the foramen differ from 11.26 to 17.72 mm, and the width between 3.56 to 14.95 mm. The completely division as a bridge was observed in 8%, septum in 32%, incomplete division in 26%, and no division in 34%. There was no statistical difference between the sexes. The jugular fossa was present bilaterally in 60%, on the right in 21.6%, on the left in 7.6% cases and was absent in 10.8% cases. The results could be of importance for the surgeries, as the bridging patterns can cause compression to the structures passing through this foramen (e.g. glossopharyngeal neuralgia).

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