Publication details

Vybrané aspekty nástěnného malířství v Etiopii mezi 13. a 14. stoletím a funkce liturgického prostoru

Title in English Selected Aspects of Wall Paintings in Ethiopia in the 13th and 14th centuries and the Function of the Liturgical Space


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Obsah - Forma. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference studentů doktorských programů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Ethiopian painting; Däbra Maryam Qorqor; Rock-Hewn Churches; Iconography; Tigray
Description Issues relating to Ethiopian painting are examined on the basis of an analysis of the decoration of the northern wall of the narthex of one of the oldest sacred buildings in the Tigray region, the monastery basilica of Däbra Maryam Qorqor (1280–1330). The importance of the basilica is testified to by the wall paintings, which are among the oldest sets of such paintings to have been preserved intact. The paper deals with basic questions concerning the relationship between the iconographic concept of the decoration of the northern wall of the narthex and possible models and the function of the liturgical space.
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