Publication details

Where does the Czech Republic export to?



Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference of Business Economics, Management and Marketing 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Czech export; foreign markets; foreign trade; CzechTrade agency; Free Trade Agreement
Description This scoping review examines the current situation of the Czech export market and its prospects for the future. Firstly, it looks at the Czech Republic’s traditional partners, who are mainly its neighbouring countries, and highlights the main Czech export activities. It then focuses on perspective destinations from the perspective of the growing volume of trade in recent years, as well as from the perspective of the current dynamic development of local economies. The CzechTrade agency plays a key role in promoting Czech exports and is active abroad in its search for business opportunities and in helping new and existing Czech exporters in establishing themselves in new markets. The Free Trade Agreement is another important tool for supporting Czech exports, and Czech exporters have been able to utilize its many advantages.

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