Publication details

Manipulace : konceptuální analýza

Title in English Manipulation : A Conceptual Analysis


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filosofický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords emotion; intention; persuasion; manipulation; rationality
Description Manipulation is frequently exploited as a means of interpersonal influence, and it takes a whole range of forms. The concept of manipulation has usually been analysed in popular-psychological publications, and philosophical attention has hitherto passed it by. Nevertheless, it raises interesting questions, especially in relation to autonomy, rationality and morality. The aim of this work is to provide a conceptual analysis of the concept of manipulation against the background of some contested examples. Several philosophical theories are in turn presented, and they are critically evaluated and applied to the contested examples. The paper defends the claim that, behind all the various forms of manipulation, there lies one important condition–the real intention of the manipulator is covered up.
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