Publication details

Puer renidens (Mart. Cap. 2,§144): Topos of Two Loves and Intertextuality



Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Love is one of the most frequent literary motifs, often differentiated in various forms. Plurality of words for love in ancient Greek corresponds to plurality of their divine representations in particular works, and more generally in Ancient religious and philosophical images. The most famous concept is that of the Two-Loves (two Erotes) which is represented in Plato’s dialogue Symposium. In the paper, I would like to revise the standard interpretation of the Two-Loves-Motif, considered in Mart. 2,144-148, literalized as the presence of Amor and absence of Cupid in Philology’s suite during her journey to heaven, in terms of literary intertextuality.
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