Publication details

Mapping of sustainable tourism in Romanian cities in the field - the synergy of using QField and QGIS in situ



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Commerce
Keywords QGIS; QField; mobile mapping; sustainable tourism; urban environment
Description The paper points out the possibilities of mobile mapping in synergy with classical desktop applications of geographic information systems in the study of sustainable tourism in the urban environment. As an example, large Romanian cities (Oradea, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest) have been selected, collecting data on the normal movement of tourists through the city using mobile mapping. Emphasis is placed on open technologies - especially the desktop QGIS in integration with the tablet, and the mobile version of QField supplemented with data collection in the form of the mobile application Geopaparazzi. The results show the suitability of using mobile mapping in urban environments, especially in the synergy of desktop GIS applications and mobile in situ data collection tools.

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