Publication details

Petroarcheologický výzkum neolitu a eneolitu ve Slezsku / Badania petrograficzne nad neolitem i eneolitem na Slasku

Title in English Petroarchaeological investigation of the Neolithic and Eneolithic age in Silesia

JANÁK Vratislav FURMANEK Miroslaw PŘICHYSTAL Antonín

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Acta Archaeologica Opaviensia 5
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords petroarchaeology; Neolithic and Eneolithic; Silesia;state of knowledge; research perspectives; the cognitive potential of petroarchaeology
Description The book is a monograph showing in a representative way petroarcheological research in Silesia (upper and middle Odra river basin) in the Neolithic and Eneolithic. It summarises the current state of knowledge, in particular with regard to the raw material structure of the chipped and polished stone industry.On this basis, the needs and perspectives for further research were also formulated. For example, the results of Silesian petroarcheology obtained in this millennium prove the cognitive potential of petroarchaeology in general. The research ends with emphasizing the concept of Silesian petroarchaeology in the coming years.

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