Publication details

Ženské právo? (De)feminizace a genderová segregace českého soudnictví v číslech

Title in English De(feminisation) and Gender Segregation of the Czech Judiciary


Year of publication 2020
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

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Description This chapter analyses unique longitudinal data about female representation within the core legal professions. Subsequently, it provides an in-depth analysis of women’s representation among judges. It shows that despite the fact that three fifths of Czech judges are female, it would be a mistake to consider it ‘feminized’ since the Czech judiciary is characterized by vertical gender segregation a slow defeminisation in positions of power and influence. The effect of vertical gender segregation is that the higher in judiciary we look, the less women we see. At the same time, number of women among court presidents (from regional courts upwards) and apex court judges slowly decreases, which means that we are witnessing defeminisation at the positions of power and influence.

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