Publication details

Factor Structure of Two Individualism and Collectivism Scales



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference PhD existence 2020. Člověk a čas : Sborník odborných příspěvků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Individualism; Collectivism; Independent Self-Construal; Interdependent Self-Construal; Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Construct Validity
Description This article introduces three unsuccessful attempts to adapt Independent and Interdependent Self Scale (IISS) and Self-Construal Scale (SCS) into Czech. The article consists of three studies using secondary analysis of unpublished data in order to estimate their psychometric properties, especially reliability and factor structure. The first study was conducted on 98 Czech and Taiwan participants, second study on 659 Czech respondents, and the third study on 352 Czech participants. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed large imperfections of their factor structure, more specifically unsatisfactory CFI and TLI values. IISS and SCS are therefore not suitable for cross-cultural comparisons. The results are discussed in a broader cross-cultural context.
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