Publication details

Opuštění zaknihované akcie

Title in English Abandonment of a book-entry share


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2020: Sborník příspěvků mladých právníků, doktorandů a právních vědců
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Open access sborníku
Keywords Dematerialized Security; Dematerialized Share; Abandonment; Termination of Shareholder Participation; Joint-stock Company.
Attached files
Description This paper examines the abandonment of a book-entry share as a specific possibility of the termination of shareholder’s participation in a joint-stock company. In the text I will deal with the arguments for the possibility of leaving the book-entry share and thus successfully terminate my participation in the joint-stock company, as well as the opposite arguments. The article is written mainly with regard to the current legislation. It is not necessary to deal with historical legislation, which was exposed on a completely different basis.
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