Publication details

Examining Endothelial Dysfunction and The Effect of Topical Treatment with Prostaglandin E1 In Diabetics Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Erectile Dysfunction; Diabetes Type 2; Endothelial Dysfunction; Topical Alprostadil; International Index of Erectile Function; Erectile Hardness Score
Description Aims: Erectile and endothelial dysfunctions are the most common complications of diabetes. We studied the endothelial function and response to treatment of a topical alprostadil in diabetics with erectile dysfunction. Sample and Methods: 30 patients were enrolled in the non-intervention, postregistration, prospective study with 300 (MU)g alprostadil cream. We examined vascular endothelial function using an ENDO-PAT 2000 device. We used International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), Erectile Hardness Score (EHS), Global Assessment Questionnaire (GAQ) and Sexual Encounter Profile Q 2 and 3 (SEP 2, SEP 3) to assess erectile function. The primary outcome measures were the proportion of patients with an optimal treatment response at baseline and at 6 and 12 weeks after treatment and the evaluation of patients and their partner’s subjective satisfaction. Results: We diagnosed endothelial dysfunction in 15 diabetics. After 12 weeks of treatment with alprostadil 53.3% of the sample, reached normal erectile function. We found a significant increase in IIEF-5 scores with a median of 6 points (range 0–19, p<0.001) after 6 weeks compared to baseline, and of 7 points (range 0–20, p<0.001) after 12 weeks of treatment compared to baseline; a significant increase occurred both after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment (p=0.002). After both 6 and 12 weeks we found a significant increase in erection rigidity, EHS, compared to baseline (p< 0.001, p = 0.014). After 12 weeks of treatment, GAQ, improving erectile function was reached in 76.7% patients. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that topical alprostadil is efficient in diabetic men with erectile-endothelial dysfunction.

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