Publication details

Sprachexperiment in Miloš Macoureks Theaterstücken

Title in English The Linguistic Experiment in the Plays of Miloš Macourek


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Junge Slavistik im Dialog X. Beiträge zur XV. Internationalen Slavistischen Konferenz
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords Miloš Macourek
Description The paper deals with the dramatic work of the Czech writer Miloš Macourek (1926-2002), who is known mainly as the author of scripts for television series and feature films. Miloš Macourek's little-known works include his plays written in the 1960s in connection with the development of Czech absurdist drama. The core of the paper is an analysis and interpretation of the plays Jedničky má paroušek and Hra na Zuzanku, which were staged at the Theatre Na zábradlí in Prague. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic level of the plays, which reflects the author's typical rebellion against conventions and associative wordplay.

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