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Sňatek jako životní strategie v soukolí poválečných migrací na příkladu Jáchymovska v letech 1949-1950

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Title in English Marriage as a Life Strategy in the Cogs of Post-War Migrations, on Example of the Jáchymov Area in the Years 1949-1950


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Národopisná revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Marriages; intermarriages; marriage rate; migration policy; national minorities in Czechoslovakia; forced displacement
Description The study deals with marriages, concluded mainly by German residents in the Jáchymov district in the years 1949-1950. Marriages between different groups of inhabitants demonstrate the manifold migration background of residents in the monitored region, and they are also analysed as a possible way to resolve life situations, associated with the migrations. The monitored region and the theme of marriages is first presented based on basic demographic indicators. The issues of marriages and marriage rate are then analysed in the context of the post-war national and migration policy, including the circumstances under which the major source set for the study developed. Subsequently, the study exemplifies, based on the files studied, various migration and life situations experienced by members of different population groups, categorized based on ethnicity, migration origin, and several furthercriteria. The study shows that some aspects of the social reality, researched on a micro-scale, significantly breach the image of a total breakup and isolation of national communities in the borderlands. The reality did even not correspond to the ideologically postulated imperative of borderlands purge. The closing note assesses the observed marriages from the perspective of diverse types of common life strategies of the German minority in Czechoslovakia after the end of the main wave of forced displacement, and from the perspective of the research into family memory of Germans from the Czech lands; Jáchymov; uranium mines.
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