Publication details

Postavení psychiatrie dnes a zítra

Title in English The status of psychiatry today and tomorrow


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a slovenská psychiatrie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords psychiatry
Description In the last few decades, there have been tremendous advances in the medical field, especially in neuroscience, which has been given the ability to quantify and visualise structural and functional changes, and the human genome has been mapped. New technologies have been developed in computer science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. There has always been a gulf between theory and practice, and it can be said that this gulf is widening. We are not sufficiently flexible in transferring the most important findings not only to the reality of clinical practice, but also to teaching. The health and education of the nation are the fundamental pillars of the preservation and development of the state. Even in the metalloid and post-metalloid era, we must strive to ensure optimal physical and mental health care and education at all levels.

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