Publication details

Léky jako významný rizikový faktor pádu u geriatrických pacientů

Title in English Drugs as a significant risk factor for falls in geriatric patients


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geriatrie a gerontologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords geriatric patient; fall risk; medication; preventive risk management
Description Background. Falls are common undesirable events for older adults in health care institutions. Medication-related risk can be one of the leading cause of falls. Methods. This retrospective study used medication data of older adults (n = 188) who had experienced at least one fall during stay in health care institution (n = 128 hospital ward, n = ?60 nursing home) within a 2-year study period. Medicines used were classified into three risk categories (high, moderate and none) according to the fall risk information in statutory summaries of product characteristics. The fall risk categorization incorporated the relative frequency of such adverse drug effects that were known to be connected to fall risk: sedation, orthostatic hypotension, syncope, dizziness, drowsiness, changes in blood pressure and impaired balance. Results. The fall-experienced patients in health care institutions used altogether 1748 medicaments, including 216 different active substances. Of the active substances, 102 (47?%) were categorized as high risk (category A) for increasing fall risk. Fall-experienced patients received a mean of 3.8 category A medicines (n =?710), 53?% (n =?375) of which affected the nervous and 40?% (n = 281) the cardiovascular system. Conclusion. The preliminary categorization of fall-risk-increasing drugs and optimization of this pharmacotherapy can help to prevent the fall risk in geriatric patients.
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