Publication details

Zvířata na silnicích

Title in English Animals on the roads


Year of publication 2022
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Our society is constantly on the move, and road transport is one of the most widespread human activities in recent years. However, as a result of the movement of means of transport, there are many unpleasant collisions, between the vehicles themselves, but also with wild animals. Roads on a global scale often cross the routes of natural movement of animals, which then have no other choice but to try to cross them. In the vast majority of cases, they rely only on their senses and instincts to get safely to the other side of the communication. However, this is a very risky practice and millions of animals die daily as a result of these collisions. How significant a problem are conflicts with animals for humans? When and where do clashes occur most often? What are the consequences of collisions for vehicle crews? Where do they end up and what are the bodies of dead animals used for? What are the solutions to this problem? You will find the answers inside this book.

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