Publication details

Les nouvelles approches des textes littéraires en didactique de FLE

Title in English New approaches to literary texts in FFL didactics


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Literature has often been marginalized in textbooks that primarily focus on the development of communicative competence. However, based on a questionnaire survey designed for teachers of FFL in the Czech republic, we can see that working with authentic documents is not only interesting for the FFL teachers' community, but also important, especially due to the lack of resources for working with authentic literary texts in FFL classes. The presentation introduces research results to date and the subsequent analysis of the obtained data. The presentation also includes a reflection on possible activities created on the basis of reading authentic literary texts with teenagers in FFL classrooms. Finally, a website created for FFL teachers as part of a doctoral project was presented with the aim of most effectively supporting the habits and new possibilities of reading and working with authentic literary texts in FFL classrooms at the B1 level.

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